Is being above the median a Noise Sensitive property?
Jun 3, 2022·

Daniel de la Riva Massaad
Assign independent weights to the edges of the square lattice, from the uniform distribution on ${\{a,b\}}$ for some ${0 < a < b < \infty}$. The weighted graph induces a random metric on ${\mathbb{Z}^2}$. Let Tn denote the distance between ${(0,0)}$ and ${(n,0)}$ in this metric. The distribution of Tn has a well-defined median. Itai Benjamini asked in 2011 if the sequence of Boolean functions encoding whether Tn exceeds its median is noise sensitive. In this paper, we present the first progress on Benjamini’s problem. More precisely, we study the minimal weight along any path crossing an ${n\times n}$-square horizontally and whose vertical fluctuation is smaller than ${n^{1/22}}$, and show that for this observable, ‘being above the median’ is a noise sensitive property.
The University of British Columbia (UBC)